Green Mountain Davy Crockett Pellet Grill
All of your favorite ways to grill and smoke are possible with the Green Mountain Davy Crockett Sense Mate Electric Grill. This electric grill does more than just fire up at the push of a button; it allows you to cook with wood pellets as well. There is a box attached to the side that can be filled with various types of wood pellets to your liking to cook your meats that way.
The Sense-Mate sensor inside the grill lets you monitor the temperature without having to open it up and constantly check the temperature, letting some of the heat out each time the lid is opened. The grill also includes a meat probe for more direct temperature checking on an independent level. The peaked lid allows you to easily cook racks of ribs on the spacious rack alongside your usual suspects like steak, chicken and burgers. On the side opposite to the wood pellet box is a small, handy tray that you can use to hang your utensils, rests plates and drinks and more.
This Green Mountain Davy Crockett Sense Mate Electric Grill weighs 68 pounds and stands on two sturdy metal legs that keep it secure where it stands. It can be connected to your phone through Wi-Fi, which will then allow you to control the settings from a distance, making it even more comfortable and convenient to grill outdoors with your friends and family.